DECEMBER 09, 2016
THIS WEEK an errant internal e-mail from a team leader at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission described systemic failure of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station operations (“Memo cites safety concerns at Pilgrim plant,” Page A1, Dec. 8). Results from a current inspection chronicled pervasive issues of a poor “safety culture,” lack of resources, problems with equipment, and flawed judgment, all against the backdrop of “overwhelmed” operations.
Governor Baker appears to have washed his hands of responsibility for the ongoing Pilgrim crisis. He has refused to call for early closure of this obsolete and dangerous facility.
A nuclear release could devastate the East Coast and dwarf the losses of the 9/11 attack. Where is the outrage?
In mid-September, after yet another emergency shutdown, a reporter asked Baker whether he believes the Pilgrim nuclear plant is safe for the hundreds of thousands of his constituents living around it. He replied that he “would presume” so — not exactly full-throated conviction. The governor added that the issue “belongs to the feds.” Really?
Baker has pledged total reliance on the NRC, a deeply conflicted and unelected agency. Now a member of the NRC has inadvertently spoken with singular candor, and the worst fears of concerned citizens have been confirmed.
Baker should do his job and call for immediate closure.
Don Barton